Retrax® Solution 25% Aluminum Sulfate Liquid comes in mint flavor and packaged in a unique MicroDrop bottle for precise dispensing with no waste. Retrax® Solution provides excellent retraction, hemostatic control and tissue rigidity. Retrax® Solution makes initial cord packing easier by providing lubrication when packing cord, allowing the cord to glide into the sulcus. Gliding action and applying less force while cord packing helps reduce the chance of damage to the periodontal ligament.
Retrax® Solution 25% Aluminum Sulfate Liquid, 15mL (#15600) bottle or 40mL (#15610) bottle.
Excellent retraction, hemostatic control and tissue rigidity
Special lubricating vehicle prevents adhesion between retraction cords or impression materials and the gingival tissue.
Pleasant mint flavor
Easily absorbed by cotton retraction cord
Unique MicroDrop bottle, precise dispensing with no waste
Higher pH, less acidic aluminum chloride solutions